Monday, July 6, 2015

Morning Reflection--Maria Popova, Brainpickings

Here is a link to Tuesday's morning reflection:

I discovered Maria Popova after listening to Krista Tippett's wonderful weekly podcast interview and web site: On Being


  1. Remembering there is a human being there is a fundamental marker for me. Freire talks about "radical human love" and this is something I try to live by. It's harder for me when the person is hate-filled; I often do not succeed in loving that person for their humanity, but the principle is still something I strive for. I find radical human love to be a key goal in our work at East High school. Without this, changing the culture of low expectations of urban youth will be impossible.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. What a lovely message for a Tuesday morning! This would be a wonderful beginning of a "morning reflection" for our writing students at the beginning of the year--and possibly throughout the year, as interest wanes or ebbs. I particularly liked the comment about criticism--something that I struggle with. The important and often forgotten observation that behind every work of art is its creator who risked putting the object out there is a life-affirming and compassionate reminder of the true beauty of the artistic process. I hope that this sort of message hits home with my worried 9th graders--who for the first time are looking around a room full of potential writers and beginning to "place" themselves into categorical boxes. How many of our young writers give up so soon, expecting words on a page to come "naturally" and fluently--when the process is tangled and the passage forward rough and steep.
