Tuesday, July 7, 2015

I enjoyed the video.  Very well done.  Bravo.  Excellent cinematography, lighting and graphic effects. And of course a sincere, well-thought out, complex message on identity and integrity and being true to who you are -- all things that are very important to teenagers especially.  Unfortunately, there are very few classes that successfully teach stuff like this in a formal setting.  It seems the students have discovered themselves over a long course of healthy, natural education.


  1. I really enjoyed the lettering effect of this video—it lent a thread of serenity and punctuation to each assertion of the narrator. I find congruence with the message of the video and my current intentions in life that can be summed up in the phrases: Less is More, Keep it Simple, Let Go and Let God, What People Say is Really More about Them Than It Is about Me, Stay in the Present. The reflections contained in this presentation are so profound and I predict will have a positive impact when I share with my 6th graders this fall. Thanks, Marcy!
