Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Day Two Reflection: Patrick's Perspective from "What Defines a Good Teacher"

(New Perspective)

I’m the stupid kid, the one who can’t read. The teachers have tried for years to get me to read.  It’s hard putting all the sounds and letters together. I can’t remember what all the words say.  All the other kids know, but I don’t.  My mom will take me with her to go shopping, but I can’t help.  I know what cheese looks like but I don’t know which one says swiss or which one says cheddar. My younger brother knows.  I don’t.

My mom gets me tested all the time.  They don’t know what’s wrong with me.  I want to be like other kids.  I don’t like being different. Sometimes the other kids let me hang around with them, sometimes they don’t.

I hate school. None it makes sense. My teachers try to help but like I said, I’m the stupid kid, the one who can’t read.  I’m in a special class. I get extra reading but it never helps. When I’m not in a special class, I end up in the hallway playing UNO with my TA.

This new reading teacher thinks she can help me.  She’s doing the same thing all the other teachers did. 

It’s so stupid. 

It doesn’t work. 

I can’t remember.  I’m stupid!  Doesn’t she know?!  I can’t read! 

Why is she making she try to learn these sounds? I can’t find the small word!

I’m so mad! This sucks! I can’t do this!

Maybe if I kick this chair over, she’ll kick me out of class and I can get out of here!


She doesn’t kick me out.  She sits me down and talks to me.  Is this a trick?  What’s wrong with this lady?  We talk.  She wants to know why I’m upset and how she can help.  She said she would work on a new plan.  Pffff…I’ll start shuffling my UNO cards.


Today I read five new words.  Big deal, right?  But it was kind of exciting. I mean I remembered them.  I’m teaching my teacher about scooters.  She knows nothing about them!  How is that possible!  I know everything about scooters.  I’ve been showing her pictures of Razor scooters and all the best grip tape, decks, wheels, forks, and clamps.

To be continued…

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